Friday, August 09, 2013

Convention Schedule 2013

SPACE and Comic-con International are over, but there's still a lot to come for us this year.  I'm still working on those photos from Comic-con International in San Diego, but here's where you can find HappyGlyphs in the coming months:

SPACE, Columbus, OH April 13-14
Comic-con International, San Diego, CA, July 17-21
Baltimore Comic Con, Baltimore, MD, Sep 7-8
Ohio Comic Con, Columbus, OH, Sep 20-22

I should have plenty of Pirate Packs available for these shows, but there are a limited number. We should have plenty of the new comic book, though, and I'm planning to have sketches and original art available for the first time.

Hopefully there'll be another event in there, and some of these are awaiting confirmation, so stay tooned here or at our facebook page for updates and further news.

And watch for lots and lots of photos from Comic-con International, coming soon! :0)

All the best,    JOHN :0)

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